Thursday 20 May 2010

The Cash Code

The Cash Code released by Michael Jones

Sometimes its wise to just sit back and watch what happens when a 'new' product is launched, particularly when it has a high 'ticket price' but 'The Cash Code' isn't one of these (below $100). In this case the price was right and I jumped in with both feet.

However, there are a number of things within the affiliate marketing 'space', that make me sigh with despair. Usually its because I've let my radar down on 'promises', never fulfilled.

'The Cash Code' is one of those products that I love, it's a small business unit all wrapped up for you i.e. Plug n Play... or is it? At first glance you see that the core of this business is to promote three key marketing categories. Weight Loss, Financial Trading (Investment Strategies) & Health (Fight against Cancer). All three topics are very weighty (no pun intended) in online business.

The usual video training is available and you start to build your empire, on the promise that you can have potential income flooding in within 2 (that's two) hours. The training is relatively easy to follow and the advice succinct, unless you are a complete beginner in html.

Like most affiliate programs its what's left out that is important, not what you get! Over a few years you build up a resource library of such things as html editors, FTP applications etc...

Within The Cash Code, there is yet another html editor that is preferred by Michael and his team and they aren't slow in telling you what it is. It's a free application KompoZer a (WYSIWYG - What you see is what you get). So its just a case of learning a new tool.

We then move on to the Editing.

Again we are told that the web pages are all set to be used in the open (Global) market and we are given instruction on how to change the page layout. Whilst you are doing this you are told that you will need to complete the disclaimer and privacy hyperlink text by taking advice on Internet Law (again from a recommended source - not free ($99 to $150)). That is to say, what should and should not be included in you at the bottom of your web pages in order that you are compliant with current FTC and various other legally bound rules (of conducting business on the internet).

How many of you have the following* (with the correct hyper links) on each of your web pages where you sell something?

That is, *[Terms of Use][Purchase Agreement][Privacy][Disclaimer][Contact] .

If you do well done...but where do you live? How would you deal with any arbitration if you're not in the US?

So If you're new to affiliate marketing, I repeat, it is what is left out of the marketing 'blurb', 'spiel' or fluffy stuff that invariably causes you/me issues.

I'll take one example in....

[Contact] = Your Name or Business Name/ Trading Name and Address (This should be a real address and definately NOT your own address. So a PO Box No.s (In the UK this is approx $180 for a year (non refundable). Don't forget your on a budget :)
It can take up to 10 days to complete (UK) and can't be done online it has to be done by post (I know archaic).

Second Example

[Terms of Use] = If like me you purchase this from outside the US and trade from outside the US you won't have a State Federal Courts address to put into your Jurisdiction and Venue section (For possible arbitration)
What do you do...?

What if your are in India/China/Brazil/EMEA ?

I'm Checking this out now but .. it looks as if my trial period is going to be swallowed up with 'red tape'!

Just as an aside, didn't I hear someone say that it could be done in two hours...?
(It's taken me two weeks just to get to this point with tickets in the system and still no replies)

Needless to say this won't be the last post on this subject.

What the General Public needs is Disclosure. We all know that you balance risk and reward on ANY internet driven business but why buy when you've only been given part of the picture?

Should we ask for a full list of "what will I need" before we buy? Afterall when you're told that there are only 5 "affiliate products" left, you don't really believe that do you?

Take your time and ask the question. After all its in your interest to do so. Do your own due dligence and then you won't be spending three times as much cash to get all the 'resources' needed to build your business or at least be forwarned of the add on costs!

Recently I bought a product that then had five (5) FIVE up sell pages before you could download your copy of the original 'sell'. NUTS!!

Enough for now. Let me know your thoughts..
Or if you have the resources to hand and know what your doing you could be one of the ones that makes this work? The Cash Code.


Matt Bland

Thursday 1 April 2010

Traffic Ultimatum Review...

Hi and No this isn't an April Fool...

BUT you would be completely foolish if you didn't check this out.

Traffic Ultimatum by George Brown has been out for a few weeks
now and hasn't failed to impress.

==> See it here

This is as comprehensive as it gets and if I have a choice between
Russell Brunsons "The Viral Secret" and "Traffic Ultimatum" -
TU wins hands down but you can check out both of them in this

The most promising thing is the learning from the vast video
library that George's team have recorded. Along with pdf files
to give you that sense of 'hard copy' security, the content is in
general, very good. Although like most reads, particulalrly if
you're new to this, it takes a few ...and then ! moments before
the penny drops :)

Theres another element that this young entrepreneur has
added and that is the inclusion of an internal social network.
IMElite is Mr Browns addition to his TU course and from the
outset it feels like going back to school, i.e. Learning your

==> See it here

So if you want the low down on the YouTube strategy and the
comprehensive tuition from one of the youngest IM's around
Go an check out the site and join the growing crowd of
TU's, Goole Snipers & IMElites.

Let me know how you find the course and I'll see you with
George on the inside.

Best regards

Matt Bland

Friday 5 March 2010

Twitter Keeps on Growing and Going...

Tweetomatic Profiteer:

Have you heard of it or Seen it?

It was launched yesterday and I've bought into this too!
Anything to do with twitter is always of interest to me.

It's Magic...

Yes there's a small price to pay $77 but its well worth the money.
However, the Keyword Annihilator is undoubtedly one of the
tools, I personally don't need.

Over the years I've collected innumerate ways in which to
collect, refine and target keywords for my campaigns. Of
course if you're new to marketing this will give you a invaluable
tools & ideas; keyword research is core to your
success online. If you want just the keyword tools and
traffic to your site you can get this for $47 in my site which also shows you
how to drive Free traffic to your site using Google in a matter
of minutes.

All the media is really excited with twitter I read recently that
Twitter plans to have 1 Billion Twitterers by 2013. Wow! if this is
the case make sure your in at the ground floor.

Check it out , Tweet Tweet

Speak to you soon,

Matt Bland

Friday 26 February 2010

Entrepreneurs & Business Leaders - Do you Use Blogs?

Hi Everyone,
So on the principle of 'volume of work' and the fact that regular
content is required on a blog (anything from three to seven times
a week) what are you doing this week?

Being a winter sports enthusiast is great but catching up on all of
the news (Winter Olympics 2010) can be time consuming.
I'd rather be ski-ing but with a constant flow of new businesses to
get off the ground, hard work and long hours aren't conducive to
getting leisure time:)

So, How many of you use links in your web site to your blog?
Does your Blog Theme tie in with your Content?
How do you find as a platform for marketing?

Let me know what's working for you.


Matt Bland

Wednesday 10 February 2010

The Viral Method!

Today, I have received by email, no less than four different methods
for creating your very own 'trafficfest'.

As with most online activities the choice comes down to cash;
i.e. whether to spend your way out of the black hole that is anonymity
or push forward into the light with the myriad of FREE strategies that
are available to the hardworking and methodical but involve 'manual
labour' or labor to our American colleagues.

So VIRAL is the word today.

It's a simple enough process and its easy to get carried away with the
numbers, particularly if you already have a 'List'. How many methods
do you use to create your list at present?

Please take note that this, for entry level subscibers, is limited to the
creation of one list. It also requires you to have an AWeber
(autoresponder account) which is currently on a $1 trial but is generally
$20 pcm. So don't sign up if you don't have the site onboard or the
cash to set yourself up. Absolutely no point in getting all geard up
only to then find yourself in a cul-de-sac!

So if VIRAL isn't in your current gameplan it should be, if you can
afford the autoresponder costs.

Finally there are two levels of subscriber Free and Elite. As I intimated
above the Free membership gives you the ability to spread the word
with one list. The Elite is going for $97 which if you pull out of the
backend is reduced to $47.

Me I'm a cheapskate and will try the Free version out first to see if
the promise land is available to the 'unwashed'.

More to follow


Matt Bland

Friday 5 February 2010

How Do I Build More Traffic to my Website?

With Consistency,

By now you are probably aware that there are a thousand different
things that you can do to earn yourself a living online. Traffic is the Key

What's your poison?

Affiliate Marketing
Traffic Exchanges
Social Marketing
Niche Website
Pay Per Click
Pay per View
Search Marketing...

The List is endless.

Short Story, i.e. the abridged version

No relevent Online Experience
Researched the most prolific, popular, best earnings in the business
Motivated, Passionate, Cash in Pocket
Spoke to and took advice from a business partner
Chose PPC (Pay per Click) via CPA (Cost per Action) Networks
Invested Time & Money for Education and possible fortune
3 months later, Thousands Invested, No Profit
Experiential Learning, Campaign Driven
Google Slapped, Disheartened but not Out...

* In the meantime learnt, Html Editing;FTP;SEO; and onwards...
sound familiar?

So what's next? Wiser, Educated and 'Motivated to the Max' on the
look out for a Free Pass to an online income and significant success
to replace the one taken from me (redundancy).

You've heard it before 'speculate to accumulate'.

I have created some decent traffic using my two main blogs with
just some of these resources* BUT here is a great method I have
been using to make money online.

I purchased a digital product from the ClickBank marketplace and
reviewed the product. Once I did this, I followed what I read to see
if I would get the same results the writer did.

I did a short video teaching others what I learned and then made a
recommendation to purchase the product at the end of the video.
Of course, I only created a video for the products that actually
worked for me.

Since these products did work for me, by watching and following the
video, you will also benefit by seeing a dramatic increase in conversions.

Then I recommended this product through my own affiliate link.
This way I could earn commissions on what others sold. The best
way I found to do this was to purchase a meaningful and memorable
domain name and redirect the domain to my affiliate link.
Then overlay that link in the video.

I usually post my videos on my blogs and send it to my mailing lists
to make money. However if you don't have a list, then upload it to
YouTube and several other video sharing sites to make you commissions.

It's a great traffic technique that's worked for me.


Matt Bland